Chat Room: Gold Lounge
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Surf0-3  100 M
They ain't even got bars. Lol
😤💨💨💨 30%
Surf0-3  100 M
I forgot where but it's a prison look like nice apartments 😅😅
BIG_Difference  70 F
Looked like it hadn’t been cleaned since the year I was born
BIG_Difference  70 F
The toilet in holding was absolutely horrid
Sevcere  94 M
Seriously,thn she got caught bcuz her mama turn'd herasz n lol
Surf0-3  100 M
I learned how to make dice out of tissue in there 😅😅
Surf0-3  100 M
I watched shows where nhhs have pistols in the joint lol
Damm 😂
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