Chat Room: Gold Lounge
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ViiVaa  15 F
Ew at the thought sally got pix of me on her Obama fone
Sally where's the picture of u with your teeth or a degree???
ViiVaa  15 F
Sally u got bumps on ur droopy infected pc b.
Gremlin-  F
Dawgie u stood me up
fakemf  106 M
There's a picture with herpes BUMPS ON YOUR LIPS I HAVE THAT PICTURE
fakemf  106 M
That bhhhh is a man pretending to be a female ILL TELL Y'ALL THAT FACTS
ViiVaa  15 F
U eat whatever the soup kitchen gives u
ViiVaa  15 F
I eat it good too ..
Gremlin-  F
Lol i was there u aint lol
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