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Bruh. 😐
DomesReturn - 2024-01-22
Bruh. 😐
 35 F
Doctor_Terry - 2024-01-23
I had quite a few diagnostics done on me a couple of weeks ago and the results are as follows. Heart: Excellent. Blood pressure: Great. Cholesterol levels: Outstanding. (he even asked me if I was taking cholesterol tablets lol no way). Diabetes: No.
 53 M
Doctor_Terry - 2024-01-23
So yeah if I'm so fit and healthy then what's the problem? It's a mystery but I'm confident that I'll be right.
 53 M
purleez - 2024-01-23
It's like the lyrics to that Police song..Sting wrote these inspirational words,.."Ah doo,doo,doo,Ah dah,dah,dah, that's all I want to say to you" * REPEAT & then? REPEAT again etc,etc,etc🔥🤟
 105 M
Doctor_Terry - 2024-01-23
Yeah maybe. I spoke with an Indian cab driver a few months ago, he seen my car and asked me about it. He suggested that I should hold onto it as he thought it's value will rise in the next 2-3 years as there's not many about but it's taking up space.
 53 M
purleez - 2024-01-23 helps to be a human bollard dressed in hi viz , kills a few human traffic cones but keeps the cost of car insurance down,👍✌️😏
 105 M
Doctor_Terry - 2024-01-23
I reckon I could get $2,000 no problemo.
 53 M
purleez - 2024-01-23
Oh,my bad,.. Indian taxi drivers!?,Is that code for Uber,.or UnUberized 🤔
 105 M
Doctor_Terry - 2024-01-23
Hush puppy. Anyhoo I gotta split. Laters. It was nice chatting with you Hue, have a good one. Ciao.
 53 M
Huevomonstrosity - 2024-01-23
Often times, with health, it comes down to actually addressing the cause as opposed to the symptoms. Then there's the willingness to incorporate changes to diet and exercise.
purleez - 2024-01-23
No problemo,🙄🤣 Learning,of the top of my head,Esperanto? from the Pakistan/Indian driver 🤔
 105 M

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