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The Elon Muck Report
supereddie - 2022-12-12
FBI interfered in the election
 67 M
supereddie - 2024-04-24
This might be the big shocker to you. There was no insurrection. Democrats are the only ones calling it that.
 67 M
Djack7-18 - 2024-04-24
You haven't even looked at it, have you? And you're pretending you know what it's contents are anyway. Why?
Djack7-18 - 2024-04-24
Why are you pretending to know, Eddie? Wouldn't it just be easier to just download it and read it? Then, you'd know. You wouldn't have to play pretend.
supereddie - 2024-04-24
Why should I down load it. You will find out soon enough. They just want to stop Trump from campaigning. If they get a conviction then that's just a feather in their cap till it gets appealed
 67 M
supereddie - 2024-04-24
I really thought you was smart enough to figure this out. But I see now I was wrong. You in the same class with the rest on here.
 67 M
Djack7-18 - 2024-04-24
Very detailed. Very damning. That's what it is. Totally supports the "Trump engaged in criminal conduct" hypothesis.'
Davidpeterson30 - 2024-04-24
No they found all kinds of evidence that shows the FBI was interacting with it way before
Djack7-18 - 2024-04-24
Putin has been making modest gains in territory in Ukraine, Eddie.
Djack7-18 - 2024-04-24
But he's been fighting against Ukrainians who have an ammo shortage. Their ammo is so low, it's being rationed. But, Biden is about to sign the aid package.
Djack7-18 - 2024-04-24
Fortunately, we already have most everything...including the ammo...already in Europe, ready to go. When Biden signs the bill, the Ukrainians will pop some corks, and release all the reserve ammo to their troops.

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