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Well Hello
Missy_Lynn75 - 2023-11-06
Puff Puff
 49 F
TEE_LEAVES - 2023-12-26
It's a hobby of theirs I guess and at least it keeps them off the streets and out of trouble. Not mixed up with any street gangs, nogoodniks or ne'er-do-wells.
 53 M
Miss_Lynnette75 - 2023-12-26
I do not think they qualify.
TEE_LEAVES - 2023-12-26
If you are tired Charlie then go to bed. If we're boring you then you can always go play Connect 4 with your can manage to count to 4 I assume, you remember grade 4 don't you? It was the longest 3 years of your life...
 53 M
TEE_LEAVES - 2023-12-26
If you are tired Charlie then go to bed. If we're boring you then you can always go play Connect 4 with your can manage to count to 4 I assume, you remember grade 4 don't you? It was the longest 3 years of your life...
 53 M
Partycharlie - 2023-12-26
Really! U sit on here I peep on and back off got a life don't have to be on here beeping for attention I don't need anyone to wish me a Merry Christmas I think it's better u both don't say nothing at all .You boring! Ty
 59 M
TEE_LEAVES - 2023-12-26
...but at least after the 2 years of being kept back you were much bigger than the other kids and so they never picked on you as much for being slow.
 53 M
TEE_LEAVES - 2023-12-26
...but at least after the 2 years of being kept back you were much bigger than the other kids and so they never picked on you as much for being slow.
 53 M
Miss_Lynnette75 - 2023-12-26
No one asked u to post here let alone a Merry Christmas so u can annoy someone else.
Partycharlie - 2023-12-26
Poor terry
 59 M
Partycharlie - 2023-12-26
You still lonely Lynn and terry still lying terry nothing changes again where is your husband post that you 2 together lmao talk cheap.
 59 M

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