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The Elon Muck Report
supereddie - 2022-12-12
FBI interfered in the election
 67 M
supereddie - 2024-05-09
Got a ban and look who showed up right after
 67 M
Djack7-18 - 2024-05-09
They even got a case of XXXL adult diapers. They good to go.
supereddie - 2024-05-09
No djack a democrat judge does. The question is did Biden order it or Soros
 67 M
Djack7-18 - 2024-05-09
Lots of rain tomorrow. Think I got me a day off.
Djack7-18 - 2024-05-09
They don't call him Vonshitzinpants for nothing.
supereddie - 2024-05-09
Did you see Jill Biden talking about how Joe poops his diaper everyday right before dinner and what don't go up his back runs down his leg
 67 M
supereddie - 2024-05-09
We might be ok till Sunday. But they do predict rain Friday Saturday
 67 M
supereddie - 2024-05-09
Biden is an amazing man he falls up the stairs and poops up his back it just don't seem possible
 67 M
Djack7-18 - 2024-05-09
No, but I saw Trump crap himself, and have to be helped down a ramp.
Anonymous-World - 2024-05-09
Djack7-18 - 1 hour agoNo, but I saw Trump crap himself, and have to be helped down a ramp.

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