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The Elon Muck Report
supereddie - 2022-12-12
FBI interfered in the election
 67 M
TERRYGLASS - 2024-04-14
The hobo
TERRYGLASS - 2024-04-14
speaking of hobos
TERRYGLASS - 2024-04-14
Hey chuckles
TERRYGLASS - 2024-04-14
he could be Stalin junior, he certainly copies his phrases. "it's all gravy" and "gouty" but then again it must be hard to think when you're drunk every day
TERRYGLASS - 2024-04-14
such an emotional boy our dare is
Daretobdifferent - 2024-04-14
It's ok tharonce, we all understand you are under a massive strain. It's not your fault. You just chose poorly. Life is fantastic, I love it. For some reason this seems to unsettled you. Like you just can't seem to get over it. Just isn't working out for you is it.
 55 M
TERRYGLASS - 2024-04-14
yeah you sound like it, quite the emotional one over on the Jill thread aren't ya? you need to chill out. how about giving us a WOOHOO if you're cool?
supereddie - 2024-04-14
I know we can all pitch in and buy Dare a new Barbie doll. I bet that will cheer him up.
 67 M
supereddie - 2024-04-14
No cancel that if we get Dare a Barbie doll Stalin will be expecting one too. The next thing we know we will go broke buying Barbie dolls for all the guys that are down on their luck on here
 67 M
supereddie - 2024-04-14
I guess the best thing is for me to keep giving out my lessons on how to accept live as it comes and try to make the best out of bad times. It will get better Dare
 67 M

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