Three's company lovers
JILLMG17 - 2024-06-15
Jack Tripper was the #1 best character. Although I liked all the main characters. He held the show together.Did you like Three's company?
TELLY_BEANS - 2024-06-15
I liked the original British version that it was based on.
LadyRose76 - 2024-06-15
It was boring goofy junk
 48 F
LadyRose76 - 2024-06-15
This belongs in box office
 48 F
Nanajillx2 - 2024-06-15
Sorry nobody thought of it for that category Ladyrose
Nanajillx2 - 2024-06-15
I thought it was funny and still watch the reruns sometimes
Jewish4evaxx - 2024-06-15
Lady Rose woke up grumpy today. Well, Lady Rose,. Three's Company was a popular sitcom in America. Jill, I liked Jack lol and Mr and Mrs. Roper! And Suzanne Sommers.
Jasta69 - 2024-06-15
Yes loved Three's Company
 59 M
DomesReturn - 2024-06-15
Nah. There were no dinosaurs in that show. 🤨
 35 F

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