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People are angry.
SICK-WITTED - 2023-06-30
The pawns plight
 54 M
supereddie - 2023-07-01
no one is angry accept the fools
 67 M
Ultraman58 - 2023-07-01
House-Money - 2023-07-01
Smh always wrong they know it and don't care.
House-Money - 2023-07-01
Example, the media is saying this is a fight between 2 minority groups asking for a handout. Lie
House-Money - 2023-07-01
The Asian discrimination differs from Anti Black discrimination. Black people were completely shut out
House-Money - 2023-07-01
There is no caparisom so they quickly move to the school lowering their standard and that is not affirmative action because you need to pass all test and be smarter it is a fn requirement
House-Money - 2023-07-01
If you don't believe me ask Clarence Thomas
House-Money - 2023-07-01
He got upset because he obtained a degree from Harvard and was shut out of getting good business with the degree because of affirmative action and instead of blaming the racist society he blamed the program that gave him the opportunity. This is wrong way thinking at its best
House-Money - 2023-07-01
The lie everything is fair is the problem. If you looked at the statistics you would know society holds certain people back purely because of race. Second class citizenship comes with a price. The price is bigots get to pretend their success comes from Merit lmmfao

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