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Well Hello
Partycharlie - 3 days ago
Where is your side kick terry I got you go in the thread you to get up but ending up like the rest of your threats missy aka lonely Lynn about you 2 and can't take the feedback we throw at ya ending up crying the blues lol keep bringing the drama on your self s
 59 M
Partycharlie - 3 days ago
I bet now still and after i come off my break a year from now Terry you still won't know what charlie went to prison We need to know and nosey grandma mary aka terry need to let us know why
 59 M
MAYE_I_TUTCHEM - 3 days ago
The hell are you talking about?
Partycharlie - 3 days ago
Well good bye Puff Puff
 59 M
MAYE_I_TUTCHEM - 3 days ago
Have you been to prison you say? How was prison? I bet they taught you some "skills" boy.
MAYE_I_TUTCHEM - 3 days ago
Cool thread, except for the drama from this one above.
MAYE_I_TUTCHEM - 3 days ago
Sounds like you need a break.
MAYE_I_TUTCHEM - 3 days ago
Cel6 - 3 days ago
The only one bringing drama to this chat site is you T,
 48 M
Carebearjill - 3 days ago
I thought we apologized to each other? In the thread I got banned from.

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