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A thinking question
Nanajillx2 - 2024-06-17
But what if your firearm jammed or you forgot the bullets. How will you survive?
oldsmartsafejjj - 2024-06-17
Yeah. WHAT IF. lmgdmfao. Warning: do not proceed without fully resolving this!
 69 M
Cel6 - 2024-06-17
Just jump in Jill' spare the world!!
 48 M
Djack7-18 - 2024-06-17
I wouldn't be wandering around in the middle of a jungle in the first place, Jill. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. That's how I'd survive
Six_Six_Six - 2024-06-17
she saw an internet question and put it on here.
 58 M
Djack7-18 - 2024-06-17
I'd sure as hell be wondering how a lion got into a jungle, tho.
Six_Six_Six - 2024-06-17
Jill' are you lonely again.
 58 M
Nanajillx2 - 2024-06-17
What if your gun was stolen and had no knife on you. Is there another way you can survive?
Djack7-18 - 2024-06-17
I just can't imagine myself being so stupid as to get in that position in the first place Jill. I wouldn't go into a jungle.
Nanajillx2 - 2024-06-17
Well share a possibility with some who are stupid enough to go in a jungle without a gun. Let's say the lion surprised you and before you could pull the trigger you dropped it and ran up the nearest tree, which was by the lake. The lion is trying to climb up while the snake is slithering down to you, and the gator is coming up toward land. Is it possible for them to survive?

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