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Cel6 - 4 days ago
The best thing a homeowner can do in retirement is adopt a couple of kids so they can get the earned income Plus social security Plus your pension Plus your part-time job. I even see senior citizens helping disabled citizens by letting them live in their house. It's sad that America doesn't take care of the senior citizens once you retire.
 48 M
Cel6 - 4 days ago
But I've come to realize something very important and maybe this will help you out Jill regardless of what you own how much money you got you can't take none of it with you so enjoy the little bit of time you got left and don't worry about it because you can't change it or fix it. J's
 48 M
Cel6 - 4 days ago
In the end your kids your grandkids they going to sell everything you got anyway when you die"" so why care about it.
 48 M
Carebearjill - 4 days ago
I'm putting in on my 401k and hoping in 4 years I have enough saved to go with social security and 437 a month
Carebearjill - 4 days ago
But should I take the 50k or the monthly at 65? Which would suit you better?
Cel6 - 4 days ago
Right now at my age I'm living day by day because I know my time is short so I'm not letting this stress me out because another thing is if you live long enough you ain't even going to know what day it is anyway going to be so senile.
 48 M
Cel6 - 4 days ago
Neither Jill that 401 is still going to be there whether you wait till 67 or 70 how to play the game as to wait until you get full benefits from social security then you cash out. J's
 48 M
Cel6 - 4 days ago
Right before my mother died 20 years ago she was already retired and all the sudden my mother just started buying up stuff cars furniture you name it she was getting it all brand new because she knew she was going to die so she left the Earth with everything that she always wanted brand new stuff and then she kicked the bucket. So she went out smiling all the way to the bank.
 48 M
Carebearjill - 4 days ago
For the one time lump sum I got until September this year to get it I won't get another lump sum offer. I'm asking everyone to give me alot to think about
Cel6 - 4 days ago
Okay if your job is offering you the lump sum of money Jill take the lump sum of money and then go get another job and laugh at them all the way to the bank. They can't stop you from working.
 48 M

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