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drama free chat...yay or nay?
MzEclectic - 7 days ago
anyone wanna chat without drama?
 50 F
Cel6 - 7 days ago
Wishful thinking but it would never happen.
 48 M
DareToBe - 7 days ago
It can.
 55 M
Djack7-18 - 7 days ago
It would have to be a non-controversial topic. Something like the Great Monarch Butterfly migration coming up soon. All the Monarchs I see will be headed to Mexico.
RnRTrain - 7 days ago
TM is a Trump supporterlike talking to a tree stump. Pass
Djack7-18 - 7 days ago
I saw her say she was voting for Trump. I did not see her say she was a MAGA Trump supporter.
DareToBe - 7 days ago
Wow passing on someone because of politics. Lol funny. She could or might be lovely to talk to, but red or blue determines no. Im happy I live in a place where the government charge doesn't decipher where I get it on. Lol politcs in a hello. 🤨
 55 M
Djack7-18 - 7 days ago
If she starts spewing Qtard nonsense, different story.
JilllovesCarter - 7 days ago
What is nonsense to you djack.
Seventy-Three - 7 days ago
There's more than one way to be drama free 🤣
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DareToBe - 7 days ago
No there's not Furdique. There's every way to be dra free🤟😎
 55 M

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