People are angry.
SICK-WITTED - Yesterday
 54 M
House-Money - 12 hours ago
You have just thrown the election. Republicans are all brainwashed all of them. The Supreme Court provided cover for a while. See ppl need to unwind the lie.
House-Money - 12 hours ago
Democrats had better wake up and stop pretending every wrong way thinking republican isn't a anti American anything.thinking treasonist they purposely get things wrong, they have a mission to turn America upside down throw out every progressive safety and financial protection so we kill ourselves with a bigots greed
House-Money - 12 hours ago
Just deregulated until it kills you. Amy I thought for a second you had a mind. I thought no sane person would ever say a man has absolute immunity. Now we know a brainwashed bigot will do just about anything
House-Money - 12 hours ago
It doesn't exist in founding documents nowhere in the.constution does it exist, so where does a brainwashed bigot get the lie? He got it planted in his by Trump
House-Money - 10 hours ago
Are you noticing bigots are hiding because 90% of ppl disagree with the court
House-Money - 10 hours ago
They handed Joe Biden the election and all of them look like treasonist bigots
super-eddie - 10 hours ago
Why do you Democrats always accuse us of what you do.
 67 M
House-Money - 10 hours ago
The country went from 72% say Joe should drop out to 90% say they disagree with the Supreme court. See you lose because Joe being not attentive is not worse then you being a 34 time convicted felon. Secondly you will be prosecuted on personal acts bigot not official acts
House-Money - 10 hours ago
The only way the personal act being thrown out and you need a reason besides he is immune that is why Jack Smith isn't dropping charges the.court is corrupt

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