People are angry.
Blabberblabber - Yesterday
White ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl
Blabberblabber - Yesterday
Use this.
Tower7-G - 21 hours ago
Hey dummy the main idea of the thread is you are angry because you keep losing elections. Trump called Mike Johnson crying saying create a bill that stops me from being a felon. Guess what? Mike Johnson sure tried
silly-willy - 16 hours ago
The premise of this thread i that you are an angry mental midget. Plain and simple, no 2 ways about it, beyond a shadow of a doubt.
silly-willy - 16 hours ago
The premise of this thread is that you are an angry mental midget. Plain and simple, no 2 ways about it, beyond a shadow of a doubt.
silly-willy - 16 hours ago
The premise of this thread is that you are an angry mental midget. Plain and simple, no 2 ways about it, beyond a shadow of a doubt.
silly-willy - 16 hours ago
Just remember, Orange man BAD.
Tower7-G - 29 minutes ago
Are you still thinking Trump is winning? Ppl think this man is completely crazy. The GOP has collapsed Mitch all but admitted by pretending it was something a brainwashed bigot could say to get respect back. You don't call chit smearing bigots warriors and patriots and win a American election
Tower7-G - 28 minutes ago
Now go peddle your bigotry in Germany
Tower7-G - 27 minutes ago
Go to the place of your heritage and act as racist as you want

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