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Whats the proper way to handle
Seventy-Three - 6 days ago
And we wouldn't want to be censored
 45 M
DareToBe - 6 days ago
It's like any pool of people Jill. Some. Some is the answer to everything. πŸ‘
 55 M
Seventy-Three - 6 days ago
Me! That's me! I have the answer to everything 😁 πŸ˜†πŸ˜†
 45 M
Seventy-Three - 6 days ago
Obviously not really, but I thought it was funny 😁
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JilllovesCarter - 6 days ago
Are there any other sites that don't censor at all. Your free to speak your mind however you want?
DareToBe - 6 days ago
You're free to speak right now Jill. Ain't no haters here🀟
 55 M
Seventy-Three - 6 days ago
I don't know about other sites
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Cel6 - 6 days ago
I just don't get on the topic.
 48 M
DareToBe - 6 days ago
Well that's not the proper way to handle Cel😁
 55 M
JilllovesCarter - 6 days ago
There should be some control but not to the point where we're treating like kids and be on time out. Even though many of us do act like kids when things aren't going our way. I admit I act childish sometimes. But to me I think the best solution is to leave and take a breather if it gets to be too much. Get too ridiculous.

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