The Elon Muck Report
supereddie - 15 minutes ago
Well I was offer 230,000 for my land a month ago
 67 M
HuevoLek - 14 minutes ago the time the city is done with you, you'll be declared a danger to yerself and/or others, be declared a ward of the state and locked up on a mental ward.
 59 M
supereddie - 13 minutes ago
As long as I have my land I will always have a place to live .
 67 M
supereddie - 12 minutes ago
No they can't do a thing to me. I'm to smart for the likes of them
 67 M
supereddie - 10 minutes ago
Besides these ain't my chickens running around here. They belonged to the guy that lived behind me. Now I noticed he moved out.
 67 M
supereddie - 9 minutes ago
City will come after me for them chickens too. And they are not mine.
 67 M
HuevoLek - 8 minutes ago
Ed, I respect you living life on yer terms, but yer making it awfully hard on yerself. Yer buying different components of worn out junk, piecing it together into a bigger glop of junk that's only going to be a headache. Sell all the land and downsize to something you can manage.
 59 M
supereddie - 6 minutes ago
Nonsense I would not know how to live any other way. I walk on the wild side for to long
 67 M
HuevoLek - 5 minutes ago
For example, yer newly acquired magic metal detector. How many holes, in yer condition, do you think you can dig?
 59 M
HuevoLek - 3 minutes ago
Get rid of the Houston property, sell all but one or two acres of yer larger property, put a tiny home on it with the proceeds and do yer thang.
 59 M

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