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People are angry.
OkieMmm - 2023-08-02
 57 M
SICK-WITTED - 2023-08-02
If the Republicans are broke whose going to pay reparations?
 54 M
House-Money - 2023-08-02
Poor okie. Are you listening to world call you a brainwashed cult? The GOP is really having a hard time
House-Money - 2023-08-02
Not you lmmfso you are so sick you don't know the meaning of reparations
House-Money - 2023-08-02
Here try this on. The right is so dumb they pay Trump legal bills
House-Money - 2023-08-02
Stupid gave up 40 million in donations towards his defense fund
House-Money - 2023-08-02
You are very slow people
ugothurt - 2023-08-02
You are dumb.
House-Money - 2023-08-02
Your mother seem to like it hobo
House-Money - 2023-08-02
:now take your anything thinking az back to the drawing board

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