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I need your guys advice
Cel6 - 6 days ago
Now if she was good looking I'd be like give me your number I'll meet you at the coffee shop but don't come in the store being frisky no more we got to keep it on the down low.
 48 M
JilllovesCarter - 6 days ago
I definitely am not going to get a ride with him. You know what he think that'll mean.
Cel6 - 6 days ago
Well let me ask you this Jill do you think this guy is handsome?
 48 M
JilllovesCarter - 6 days ago
OK cels lol
Cel6 - 6 days ago
I'm telling you just hook up with some Jill and when y'all get busy just picture your husband's face on him,
 48 M
JilllovesCarter - 6 days ago
Not really. He is an old hornee guy.
Cel6 - 6 days ago
Hell even when y'all getting busy scream out your husband's name.
 48 M
Cel6 - 6 days ago
All right there's one final thing you can do go out with him right before you get busy laugh at him while he's standing there with nothing on and walk out the telly room he'll never bother you again if you do that.
 48 M
JilllovesCarter - 6 days ago
DareToBe - 6 days ago
You just told Jill to hook up with herself.
 55 M

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