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The Burgerian Imperative Part 4
Mexicana666 - 4 days ago
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DomesReturn - 4 days ago
"OK. I'm semi dressed, Sugar Tush. Now can I ple..." says Deadpool seconds before he's grabbed by his throat once again by the angered Domewoman. "Let's get something straight, DA; I see you nay/ked again with that puny little worm you call a (bleep) and I swear I'll rip it off and shove it down your throat, dig??" growls Domewoman angrily at her bff. Deadpool responds with a "digging, Sugar Tush." before he's dropped forcefully to the floor. 😳
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Mexicana666 - 4 days ago
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DomesReturn - 4 days ago
"Good. We Gucci, homey." replies Domewoman with a quick change of attitude. "So anyways here's your souvenir. Hope you like it. I picked it up as I was leaving the Airgville bank. Five Finger Discount, homey." says Domewoman with a mischievous wink. 😉
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Mexicana666 - 4 days ago
Rubs hand together like a fly.
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DomesReturn - 4 days ago
Domewoman pulls a small paper bag from her jacket and hands it to her bff. "Careful. It's made of glass." says Domewoman. Deadpool thanks her repeatedly and removes the souvenir. Deadpool remains silent for a few seconds. 😳
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Mexicana666 - 4 days ago
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DomesReturn - 4 days ago
"So do you like it or not??" asks Domewoman while waiting for a response from the silent Deadpool. After a few seconds of waiting Deadpool speaks- "it's a glass (bleep) Sugar Tush. Really?? A glass (bleep)??" asks Deadpool. "It's not a (bleep) you DA. It's a rocket ship. That belonged to the bank manager who's son is an astronaut." says Domewoman with a slightly annoyed tone of voice. 😬
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Mexicana666 - 4 days ago
In the other t Tacobell says to Domebell, "do you think Pooly likes his bleep?"🤣
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DomesReturn - 4 days ago
Deadpool remains silent for a few seconds. "Uhh thanks, Sugar Tush. I was expecting something a little more fancier like a bullet clip or a grenade or maybe even an M-16..." says Deadpool before he's grabbed by the throat again. 😬
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