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The Burgerian Imperative Part 4
DomesReturn - 2 days ago
"You'll like my souvenir that I stole or I'll shove it..." growls Domewoman. "I like it, Sugar Tush...I like it." replies Deadpool with a nervous laugh. 😆
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DomesReturn - 2 days ago
"Good. I'm glad." says Domewoman with a smile. "Now put your clothes on cuz we climbing trees in herrr." says Domewoman while playfully giving Deadpool a light tap on his shoulder. Domewoman heads back to the film studio lounge walking proudly. Deadpool turns to the camera - "it's a glass (bleep), people." he says in a low voice. 😆
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Mexicana666 - 2 days ago
Like Tacobell was saying earlier, bleep scratcher.🤣
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Mexicana666 - 2 days ago
Awfully heavy for a dil
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Mexicana666 - 2 days ago
do, don't ya think, Pooly.🤣
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Mexicana666 - Yesterday
Maybe Domebell and Tacobell will dance around the bleep, I mean rocket ship shaped paperweight.🤣
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Mexicana666 - Yesterday
Paperweights are actually quite strong. You can drop them on hard surfaces without them breaking.
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Mexicana666 - Yesterday
In a mysterious factory somewhere, androids in human guise wash laundry. A bell is heard. One of the androids goes into the reception area, where someone waits. A catalog of pictures blur past the androids eyes before the words non super hero hater flashes. "No laundry service for you!" it shouts and sends the visitor away.😲🤣 A sign out front reads Soapy's Laundry Service.
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DomesReturn - 22 hours ago
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Jewish4eva2024xx - 21 hours ago
Domey 😂

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