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Goddamn bear got in my garbage can again...
Cherokee-bill - Yesterday
 29 M
DomesReturn - Yesterday
 35 F
Righteousbeech - Yesterday
Word! Castrate that bear!
Cherokee-bill - Yesterday
It was storming earlier now I gotta go out n pick up a soggy mess 🤨...
 29 M
Righteousword - Yesterday
Word ! You really are green to the north country eh cbill ..
Righteousbeech - Yesterday
Word! Stop pretending to be me!
Righteousword - Yesterday
Word ! I'm both pros
Righteousword - Yesterday
No one in bear country puts their garbage out until the morning of pick up ...js It's not rocket science
Righteousword - Yesterday
Word ! Ofcourse I'm a fake DD already established that ...catch up plz
Righteousword - Yesterday
Word ! Still can't believe cbill thst ignorant to the ways of the north country...js
Cherokee-bill - Yesterday
Do u really think ppl collect garbage in their house splinterlips?...
 29 M

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