The Elon Muck Report
Daretobdifferent - 44 minutes ago
Or are you forgetting the Trump munny had already passed through congress. And let's not forget Texas and Missouri sueing. But that would be too real for your mind TM. Lol.
 55 M
Daretobdifferent - 43 minutes ago
Learn about what's going on in your own country TM, and stop embarrassing yourself being schooled.
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supereddie - 41 minutes ago
I got to go gets some money. I hired a guy to help me today. And I want to be able to pay him when he gets finished. He will be here later today. I got to get this place ready to bring in my trailer tomorrow. I'm not in good enough shape to do anything anymore. I tell you it's a sad situation for me to be like this. More sad is I don't do nothing about it. But maybe this trailer will get me out of my slump
 67 M
Daretobdifferent - 40 minutes ago
Lol you have no idea how congress, a president or reality in general works TM. Your belief that a president clicks his fingers and it happens immediately is hilarious. Fact is Trump couldn't get it done and left a legal mess for Biden. But you little Trumpeters keep living in denial. It seems to suit you better lol
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Stalin21 - 40 minutes ago
Gouty lying shamelessly again. Unless he's dim enough to actually believe this nonsense
Daretobdifferent - 39 minutes ago
So we should be feeling sorry for you because you're lazy? What's your excuse going to be tommorow when the imaginary trailer doesn't happen. Again. It rained last time, what's it going to be this time, to sunny lol
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Stalin21 - 34 minutes ago
I seem to remember Trump trying and failing to appropriate money from the military budget to build his wall. Just another failure by the orange buffoon
Daretobdifferent - 27 minutes ago
I seem to remember Trump siphoning funds out of Homeland security to build the wall. So he depleted funding from a countries protection agency to claim he was protecting the country. Lol yet where did the munny go. Lol
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Daretobdifferent - 26 minutes ago
But that's ok TM. You blame a person that wasn't even in office yet, for what Trump the president at the time wasn't doing what he was saying. Are we seeing a Trump pattern here? Lol
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Tattooedguyfl - 10 minutes ago
What a embarrassment for you pixie another loss
 48 M

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