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People are angry.
House-Money - 4 hours ago
The only mess in America is the thought running through your wrong way thinking mind.
House-Money - 4 hours ago
Did anyone hear Mike Johnson statement? Thus bigot wants the Supreme court to overturn a conviction. He wants a audio confession thrown out. Republicans in Georgia wants a audio confession thrown out and Fanni removed from the case. Brainwashed bigots openly contemplating creating a law where no President has to answer for a state crime
House-Money - 4 hours ago
This all proves Republicans are the confederacy they push white supremacy they want you to ignore the rule of law for a brainwashed bigot
House-Money - 4 hours ago
And there are some white ppl who agree. They actually say things like being convicted makes it more likely I will vote for him. No sane American votes for a felon. That statement shows America just how radicalized bigots are
SICK-WITTED - 3 hours ago
Lmao @ "graping 🍇 kids for 20 years" and equating that to a trumped up charge of 34 felonies from one misdemeanor 🫵🤪👈 you the only one who would think that those 2 things are equal in the eyes of the law... which would explain your constant anger and TDS
 54 M
SICK-WITTED - 3 hours ago
Ty for showing everyone your soft and squishy middle
 54 M
House-Money - 3 hours ago
Why would a evangelical ignore him sleeping with stormy if they aren't sick?
silly-willy - 3 hours ago
More evidence of TM being a mental midget.
House-Money - 3 hours ago
Why would brainwashed bigot eleven lies over audio of him telling your sick az he broke the law. Audio evidence made it a felony bigot
House-Money - 3 hours ago
Notice how white ppl are indoctrinated into lies

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