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Planning a US holiday. Where do you recommend?
MAYE_I_TUTCHEM - 5 days ago
Hey home gurl, sup?
SICK-WITTED - 4 days ago
 54 M
TERRYGLASS - 4 days ago
I'd love to go to L.A. but I feel that it is a very dangerous place to visit. A lot of crime and gangs etc.
TERRYGLASS - 4 days ago
I'd like to stay in small to medium sized towns, not the big cities.
TERRYGLASS - 4 days ago
Hawaii would be great too.
Jos4 - 4 days ago
Was looking and pricing, big dreaming with the kids and we figured Los Angeles to be the place to go and tour around Beverly Hills, all round trip for 3 is about 20 grand, but I bet it'd be worth it.
Jewish4eva2024xx - 4 days ago
I would say Los Angeles and New York City for sure. Out east in the Fall would be pretty like Boston, Maine
SICK-WITTED - 4 days ago
You can go to LA without going to LA. There is Venice, Santa Monica, Manhattan, South Bay, and OC beaches. Smaller cities, not LA
 54 M
Jewish4eva2024xx - 4 days ago
Jos, I have a relative that way. I'll have him treat u to dinner. So expensive to live there tho. He's in a1 bedroom
SICK-WITTED - 4 days ago
Just stay out of Riverside. You don't know anyone here.
 54 M

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