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32, F seeking B, đź–¤CourtOfEonsđź–¤, Dating
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Status: ((Lord/Lady of Light For Dark_Woods)) đź–¤ ((Pro in first pic, RP Only, Keep IRL to a minimum)) ((Revisions and changes coming soon))
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-eyes grow wide with excitement seeing the tidal wave of melted cheese as I grins knowing my chip is about to get dipped I shouts- CHEEESEEEEE - 2024-05-11
Goofy satisfied grin as he casually strolled away, walking past her, frozen mid-running pose. He stopped for a second to plop one more slice of cheese atop her head before walking away* - 2024-05-11
Uh... Alepsa? Play Eurythmics, please. o_o *He muttered into his phone as music began playing a moment later, allowing him to experience the world in slow motion* Huh. It works. *He said with a + - 2024-05-11
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