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Subida: 2024-02-02
Visitas: 32
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Strong winds up to 300mph with stinging rain and lightning. Loa chooses the Sparrow form to fly up to speeds of 700mph and uses the attack to punch through enemies. - 2024-02-02
Elfia's water bending ability and aided her in developing her ability to master the water bending technique. Working together Loa and Elfia can creating 'Thunder Storm Attack' which can create .c - 2024-02-02
Loa; Is an actually an Air Elemental in the guise of a Blue Sparrow. When Elfia was young and on her own after losing her mother Loa watched over Elfia protecting her from harm. Loa was drawn to .c - 2024-02-02
Fotos de Elfia-Loa
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