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Witchie-  100 M
Youve got your facts so wrong dh ..ask jimmi if im ghee fw
Robert_--Pirrone  H
Robert_--Pirrone  H
lmfao the room is all yours ghee witchee troll
Robert_--Pirrone  H
i know for a fact you are ghee
Witchie-  100 M
Bwahahaha still think im ghee ..shows how stoopid u really are
Robert_--Pirrone  H
bwahah ghee witchee gfys
Witchie-  100 M
Slow and stoopid 🤷‍♀️
Witchie-  100 M
Thats no way to talk about YOUR ex ..smh idk how she put up with u 🤦‍♀️
Robert_--Pirrone  H
poor bed has to put up with your stench smh
Robert_--Pirrone  H
lmfao hospital bed 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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