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The Elon Muck Report
supereddie - 2022-12-12
FBI interfered in the election
 67 H
Djack7-18 - 2024-07-07
It also doesn't apply to congressional oversight.
House-Money - 2024-07-07
Just as white ppl want to lie to themselves in believing the indictment came after he announced a run instead of before he announced
davidpeterson6 - 2024-07-07
They brought things into that courtroom that happened while Trump was president that really had nothing to do with it they were just trying to make the jurors hate Trump therefore it was submitted as evidence and therefore that is part of what the jury made their decision on
 48 H
Djack7-18 - 2024-07-07
What? He was the ringleader of the fake electors circus. Fraud and forgery are crimes in all 50 states.
House-Money - 2024-07-07
Poo poo is living the lie in real time
davidpeterson6 - 2024-07-07
You know how lawyers do just like with that lady the crazy nutty lady 30 years ago and it's a civil case it's not even a criminal case they brought in all kinds of women and stuff to try to discredit him. Lawyers do the same thing they brought in all kinds of stuff trying to make the jury hate him and some of it was stuff that was going on while he was president
 48 H
House-Money - 2024-07-07
Poo poo Rudy lost his law license dummy
Djack7-18 - 2024-07-07
No, that was a civil trial. It's not the same as a criminal trials.
davidpeterson6 - 2024-07-07
When did Trump get convicted of all these crimes you're talking about DJ
 48 H
davidpeterson6 - 2024-07-07
When they brought it in as evidence and when they brought in witnesses that were things that he did while he was President yes that makes that whole case blow apart
 48 H

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