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People are angry.
all-is-black - 2022-08-11
He pleaded the 5th. He did it because he is a lying criminal.
PDG-1619 - 2023-08-20
The Govenor of Arkansas is a public bigot. If your position is so strong do the Sunday shows bigot
darkest_night - 2023-08-20
Let me help you. Black history is American history, so is White history, Asian and Latin history as well as some Muslim history. What we DON'T need is a special curriculum to showcase one race above any other. It ALL should be included as it is ALL American history.
PDG-1619 - 2023-08-20
Go on every television station and tell them learning the truth is indoctrination lmmfao now go sing a song that touches a bigots heart
darkest_night - 2023-08-20
The Holocaust happened, slavery happened, Genocide has happened....teach it ALL, not cherry picking and making only one a singular study.
darkest_night - 2023-08-20
Teach all history, going back as far as the Pleistocene or whatever, the beginning of time and mankind, teach about the slavery all races have participated in and are guilty of. NOT JUST ONE RACE.
darkest_night - 2023-08-20
And don't be a bigot like the guy above me running off at the mouth. That is all.
PDG-1619 - 2023-08-20
The crowd that said blame America first now push this crowd turned American bigot who sings his racist propaganda
PDG-1619 - 2023-08-20
Republicans want another civil war that us why they lie to crowds of white people cheer songs that are so disgusting talking about how patriotic they are all while pushing this welfare queen lie which is code for blk women when you know damn well the biggest recipients of welfare is white people
PDG-1619 - 2023-08-20
Always lying about who they are. I was down the middle until they started attacking Trump and protesting a cop killing a man on Facebook live. Let me help you bigot. You were racist then and you are racist now. The song is a racist anthem and every clear thinking person knows it
PDG-1619 - 2023-08-20
Now try that in a small town

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