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Well Hello
Missy_Lynn75 - Ayer

 49 M
Cel65 - Ayer
The cone of shame.....................^
 59 H
Righteousword - Ayer
Sup Missy
Righteousbeech - Hace 20 horas
Word! Missy isn't really married! She doesn't really have a new baby!
Righteousbeech - Hace 20 horas
Word! Terry is a halfwit!
Righteousword - Hace 20 horas
Word ! Interesting they say they want drama free but then go in fake pros to talk chit lol ...
Righteousbeech - Hace 20 horas
Word! You swearing in threads! Airg will ban!
Righteousnut - Hace 20 horas
Word! Righteousword is fake! Righteousbeech is fake! I'm the real one!
Righteousword - Hace 20 horas
Word ! Will the real RH stand up !
Righteousnut - Hace 20 horas
Word! I am the real one!

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