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People are angry.
all-is-black - 2023-08-20
all-is-black - 2023-08-20
Why else run against someone you are afraid to attack
all-is-black - 2023-08-20
Pence struggled to criticize the man who tried to get him killed
Partycharlie - 2023-08-20
Yeah that state still stuck on stupid but eats his own tho Georgia got flip and yes its true Biden did it the dirty south and they coming hard to prove to also Biden won fair its a done deal and yes to flip a state like Georgia prove Trump no good.
 59 H
Partycharlie - 2023-08-20
I got people in both of them state's
 59 H
all-is-black - 2023-08-20
She is playing I'm a independent lol she found out her state hates people who pretend to be moral then sides with immoral
all-is-black - 2023-08-20
Someone needs to tell white people both sides are doing it does not work in 2023
Partycharlie - 2023-08-20
Lol now that's crazy they chatted hang pence they said they got stuff tho people haven't heard yet.Come on pence do the right thing u ! He running like I said Trump owe party gonna stop him it's over he beating him self he even know it over
 59 H
all-is-black - 2023-08-20
The problem is certain people close their eyes stick their finger in their ear when it comes to Republicans because they hate the democratic party
Partycharlie - 2023-08-20
Trump gonna be in jail if he don't keep running his mouth I think before next year. They already saying he walking on thin ice
 59 H

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