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People are angry.
all-is-black - 2022-08-11
He pleaded the 5th. He did it because he is a lying criminal.
PDG-1619 - 2023-08-17
Politico is racist. What you talking about Willis? LOl and pretending America is split on sending Trump to jail. 60% of America knows Trump has already admitted guilt it isn't close you dumb mfers
PDG-1619 - 2023-08-17
The media is lying to America. They are trying to say America wants both Trump and Biden locked up for corruption lol this lie has been planted in the head of anything thinking white people by the same media that knows 80% of knows the 2020 election was not stolen
silly-willy - 2023-08-17
Make yer mind up, would ye? One minute the media is teling the truth the next minute they lying. Make yer mind up mang!
PDG-1619 - 2023-08-17
Riggers? What the hell is this lying bigot talking about?
PDG-1619 - 2023-08-17
My bad right wing media lies to white people mainstream plays bothsides did it.
PDG-1619 - 2023-08-17
Example they can never say Trump is facing life in prison because they don't want to outrage Trump backing bigots they always have to mention Hunter right after mentioning Trump it is disgusting
N/D - 2023-08-17
Hiya Sick
PDG-1619 - 2023-08-17
Trump deciding to claim the riggers stole something then when you say the party is racist white people get all offended as if you are lying
PDG-1619 - 2023-08-17
Silly thinks I'm lying he is trying to tell me I'm saying 2 conflicting things when he knows damn well I'm not. The entire what aboutism movement is designed to confuse people on the issues they live this lie you can defend the act of one man by pointing out the actions of another Lol typical what aboutism
PDG-1619 - 2023-08-17
What aboutism isn't a legal defense dummy it is a defense bigots created in a lab

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