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The Elon Muck Report
supereddie - 2022-12-12
FBI interfered in the election
 67 H
House-Money - 2024-06-23
It doesn't and the only ppl listening is ppl who are completely lost
House-Money - 2024-06-23
Anyone who needs a poll to tell them someone who has 34 felony convictions isn't going to be President is brainwashed beyond the American belief system. There has never been a American President operating from a jail cell. Lmmfao that is a fact a brainwashed a brainwashed bigot can take to the bank
House-Money - 2024-06-23
You believe in unicorns Qanon chit smearing but your mind lying to you telling you someone who has 500 million in fraud hanging over him is going to be President is a lie sane ppl can't stomach
House-Money - 2024-06-23
Notice how every lie has a cavaiat of we have audio proof everything they push is a lie designed to create phoney outrage in white ppl. He does it all day everyday. If you ever turn on fox they are always setting a wedge. It is 24 7 border and inner city crime
supereddie - 2024-06-23
Charlie he will fix it when he does away with Biden's inflation and gets the prices back down to normal. The rich will not like it but the people will
 67 H
House-Money - 2024-06-23
Every republican in every advertisement refenced crime in every Democrat ran city and they shipped human beings there just to create that phoney outrage by white ppl and we watch the media never mention it was a racist az republican who sent migrants there
House-Money - 2024-06-23
supereddie - 2024-06-23
I don't take a smart person to see all these crimes they charged Trump with are all political. He did nothing wrong. Big Fanni is in trouble jack Smith is about to get kicked out. And the other cases will be thrown out on appeal. None of them are legitimate
 67 H
DTBD - 2024-06-23
Lol you said that last month before he was found guilty. Your guess work isn't really working TM. 🤣
 55 H
Partycharlie - 2024-06-23
I really do think trump going to prison for life and he should
 59 H

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