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Well Hello
Missy_Lynn75 - 2023-11-06
Puff Puff
 49 M
Cellophone - 2024-05-19
And get 1000 boxes of tissue paper**
Cellophone - 2024-05-19
I blame you charlie for making me laugh so hard I p*ss all over myself. I want revenge now. You know how embarrassing that is.? And I'm getting tired of popping corn for the showdown. But if you must
Partycharlie - 2024-05-19
Lol dare watch cell I already told him he a trouble maker right cell? He try to do also what terry do try to act like he trying to make things better full of sht their are drama king's to lol
 59 H
Cellophone - 2024-05-19
And I look like a girl crying while laughing so hard.. ppl think I'm a sissy because it's your fault you're making me laugh
Partycharlie - 2024-05-19
Lol it's all good with us cell
 59 H
Cellophone - 2024-05-19
I don't want peace I want to stop laughing so hard .I p**ss and cry so much it makes look bad. It becomes personal with me because what your comical fighting does to me.
Partycharlie - 2024-05-19
Me and dare use to go back to back but we moved on making terry and missy looking stupid and they both talking about why can't we just move on have they ever listen to them self? Wow
 59 H
Cellophone - 2024-05-19
Jill is the only one who wanted peace .. we just want to stay dry for one darn day!!
Partycharlie - 2024-05-19
Just peeping in
 59 H
Cellophone - 2024-05-19
I'm only joking continue on.

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