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The Elon Muck Report
House-Money - hace 1 hora
Bottom line is you have already lost. Just as you are already guilty because we have audio and video evidence proving you are guilty so the courts are a fn formality
House-Money - hace 1 hora
We have you admitting guilt on tape dummy you only get the due process you scream about because no one wants to hand you a easy appeal a brainwashed bigot will run with
GREATDELUGE-_- - hace 1 hora
supereddie - hace 1 hora
U ignit people that a Trump joke and act like it's real life. You don't have nothing. Look the American people are not stupid. you can fall for the democrats lies but don't expect us to
 67 H
supereddie - hace 1 hora
I will smash that hat and make you wear it
 67 H
supereddie - Hace 56 minutos
Hurricane will hit around 2 am tonight. Then turn towards us here. I'm just going to ride it out. I'm hi and dry inside my fine suburban.
 67 H
Djack7-18 - Hace 52 minutos
Looks like 50-75 mph winds for you soon, Eddie.
Djack7-18 - Hace 52 minutos
They also saying major flooding, and that lotsa folks gunna be out of power.
Djack7-18 - Hace 46 minutos
High chance of tornadoes, too. Keep your ruby slippers close at hand.
supereddie - Hace 19 minutos
75 mph wind sounds kinda weak to me. Maybe it will stay out there and strengthen a bit before it comes ashore
 67 H

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