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Well Hello
Jewish4evax - Hace 19 minutos
Talking about drinking any sailor under the table! My bet is on the ole gal!
Jewish4evax - Hace 18 minutos
I took a 3 hour break, right?
Daretobdiferent - Hace 15 minutos
 55 H
Jewish4evax - Hace 13 minutos
Hi,Dare! Did the ole gal tucker herself out yet? Whew! She's got some hot air!
Jewish4evax - Hace 13 minutos
Hi,Dare! Did the ole gal tucker herself out yet? Whew! She's got some hot air!
Daretobdiferent - Hace 12 minutos
Not sure Eva. I've only just come back on. Seems she's on some crusade though. Who knows. Lol✌️🤣
 55 H
Jewish4evax - Hace 10 minutos
I think the ole gal fell asleep 💤😴
Jewish4evax - Hace 5 minutos
@ the birds not singing the right song
Jewish4evax - Hace 2 minutos
Nobody can tell me the ole gal doesn't drink
Jewish4evax - Hace 2 minutos
Nobody can tell me the ole gal doesn't drink

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