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The Elon Muck Report
GOP-slayer - Hace 22 minutos
Ask him if he sent alternate slate of electors? That answer would disqualify him
GOP-slayer - Hace 20 minutos
Notice how example after.example.proves my point. This entire exercise is a fraud. Trump has already lost. He is gaslighting white ppl I into believing he is winning. You have a corrupt Supreme Court helping him along with billions
GOP-slayer - Hace 18 minutos
You are having a revolution among white ppl about lies Donald told you and anything thinking ppl fell for it. They are in a complete panic about lies being more powerful then the truth
GOP-slayer - Hace 16 minutos
First off the truth almost always wins. Secondly we have fn standards everyone does unless you are what we call a chit bird
GOP-slayer - Hace 13 minutos
We like to be represented by something other than a racist fraud. I don't know about you but I don't want Donald speaking for me. He lies too much and he can never be compassionate he has no empathy he thinks everything is about him. Donald Corey lost his life should have changed your ways that day
Stalin21 - Hace 12 minutos
Poor old man. He doesn't even understand basic political terminology. Republic and democracy describe completely different aspects of government. But that's a GED boy for you
GOP-slayer - Hace 11 minutos
I know I would have. I would have suspended my campaign in his honor and resume after Joe gets over covid smh the man is in his 80s
supereddie - Hace 11 minutos
You can't get more shet on the bird your riding if you had too. We the real American people will not let you destroy our country we built. Now get your
 67 H
GOP-slayer - Hace 10 minutos
The guy lost his life at your rally while you were saying some of the sickest racist.things ever and the bought media never mentioned it because they got.those checks from peter
GOP-slayer - Hace 6 minutos
Ppl who pay 787 million for confusing you paid even more for the court they paid for media polling they pay pundants to push lies. Then they tell them either take the check lie to white ppl or you don't have a job in the morning. Guess what that confused lost soul does? He spouts that lie to Eddie then immediately Eddie becomes that chit smearing person saying you lied

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