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Southeastdc - Hace 12 horas
Not hating on the lions. After all y’all been a bad team longer than we have so I respect your one winning season🤷🏾‍♂️. It’s another season now so everyone is 0-0
 54 H
Southeastdc - Hace 11 horas
Good luck though. Hopefully we’ll meet in the playoffs. (Wishful thinking)😂
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Moman - Hace 7 horas
We still have mahomes the best quarterback in football and we just drafted the fastest guy in football
 111 H
Southeastdc - Hace 7 horas
Hopefully he can catch😂
 54 H
Moman - Hace 6 horas
Oh and the best tight end as well
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Southeastdc - hace 1 hora
Georgia had the best TE and he went somewhere else. The number 2 guy was from Kansas State Ben Sinnott. We got him so who you talking bout?
 54 H
Moman - Hace 56 minutos
Travis kelce who else best tight end in football
 111 H
Southeastdc - Hace 50 minutos
You followed up with the also the best TE after just saying you drafted the fastest guy🤦🏽‍♂️. Kelce is understood.
 54 H
shado69 - Hace 47 minutos
Kelcie plays pretty well for a guy with four hundred 14yr olds on his back
 46 H
Southeastdc - Hace 41 minutos
 54 H

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