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R@w is W@r Wwe 247
GucciTarentino - 2013-12-06
Latest news, general questions,reviews or thoughts on the state of world wrestling entertainment
 40 H
Moman - 2018-08-27
Paul Heyyman to possibly manage Roussey
 111 H
GucciTarentino - 2018-08-28
They had an opportunity to do something great with the shield Wyatt feud years back and botched it miserably. Now considering it's a rumour i think they just need to quit with this bull ish already the chance they had to do something with it they ruined it burying the wyatts so ytf as a fan would I now wanna rehash the inevitable burial again? Bray on decline Rowan n Harper never got much love & bottom line tdgaf about nobody but the shield
 40 H
GucciTarentino - 2018-08-28
Now Ambrose is about to pull a Seth Rollins? So all this hype around the shield reuniting was for I suppose basically burying the roster so reigns could get over with the fans (which he still failed)wow lmao. same poor creative thinking same narrative smh
 40 H
GucciTarentino - 2018-08-28
What makes these fools think ppl wanna keep seeing that bull ish? Ain't nothing interesting about seeing the same ppl feud & what's sad is they feuding over having the most successful careers verses the lock room they buried !!!!Yeah I'm good on that bull ish & yeah if I was balor I'd do a Neville n dip they did him dirty af
 40 H
GucciTarentino - 2018-08-28
The effed up thing another allegedly putting the wyatts back together is that Braun ain't even have a honest chance they just teased the fans allowed brock to hold title hostage then just gave the belt to rr
 40 H
GucciTarentino - 2018-08-28
So all brauns momentum was for what? All the extra extraordinary stuff they did for his gimmick all for nothing smh
 40 H
GucciTarentino - 2018-08-28
Btw how tf don't u know how to book Brock. isnt Bobby lashely waiting been waiting I mean wth
 40 H
GucciTarentino - 2018-08-28
@Mike to just give my thought on the club coming over just take a good look at what they do to characters not copywritten by wwe & tell me if you think the club vs shield is still a good idea
 40 H
N/D - 2018-08-28
tradietony - 2018-08-28
Brain trusts Corbin with Mitt briefcase? Bad move.. He gets screwed by Corbin who says he gave it up n it is vacated n now Corbin has MITB in his hands n he wants to cash it in himself.. That's a storyline to watch
 60 H

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