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Schase  26 M
The thing about me is 90% of the women in here seen me via pix or videochat
Markleroux12  28 M
schase u ain't got no dam job u here 24/7 sick
They game plan is if u chat with the ugly pic u be ok with they ugly face
so gum wats ur name
gumzz  23 Ž
Hru taymonπŸ’¨πŸƒ
Markleroux12  28 M
ur sn fake too schase
Schase  26 M
And you use fake pix n clone people ya zebra humper.
gumzz  23 Ž
King_Tay-Challa  37
Kokismon πŸ«ΆπŸ½πŸ’¨πŸ’¨
lol scorcher, good word
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