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Chat Room: Gold Lounge
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*wipes finger on Rhythems* No I don't
BeyondUrMental  103 Ž
Ugh! 😫
PolaivaoSika25  99 M
Naz don't insult your tribal chief like that 😅
BeyondUrMental  103 Ž
Especially bankz 😑 all he do is dig for gold lol
PolaivaoSika25  99 M
Just on the ul look'n at post like 👀
BeyondUrMental  103 Ž
Y'all both got boogies on the tip of yall fingers@ Twon n Bankz 😑 lol ewe
Twon ☝🏻 wutup tho
PolaivaoSika25  99 M
Damn that boy been on the ul lurkn since I logged on 😅😅😅😅😅
I'll probably be here more than yall
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