shannonmarie2020 Prijava | Prijava
Pregledano: 420330
Pokloni: 346
Prijatelji: 8
44, Ž tražim M, Wooster, U vezi, Prijavljen
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Status: ♡♡ It's hard to find a friend who's Cute, loving,Generous ,sexy ,caring and smart.My advice to y'all is don't lose me💅 ♡♡ 😝🤣 ,
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Lol I said the same thing to jj he's just looking for my attention - pre 5 dana
I’m pretty sure if someone blocks you then you can’t comment on their page 🥴 - pre 5 dana
Lol I don't mind at all especially if ur packing skittles 😋ty for dropping my favorite snack off ur the best 😘 - pre 5 dana
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