Zynoa_Stargold Prijava | Prijava
Pregledano: 71624
Pokloni: 337
Prijatelji: 484
98, Ž tražim S, Thunder Inn, Oženjen/udata
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Status: Alpha female personality. Bahamut's chosen Knight. AoP Honorary Knight. Now full Commanding Jedi knight. Balancing force. Inducted as Lordess of light. Owner of Thunder Inn. Shinigami powers ♥️Taken.♥️
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I'm ready for the blow back....I couldn't find any other way... - pre 2 sati
it's pretty pathetic that someone that claims to represent airG would bully post then tout their own personal problems. My advice? Seek professional help because you need it. - pre 4 sati
They don't even know that the person behind could be old and gray with one tooth and don't have self respect for doing does any of that reality sound attractive? Your in love with fantasy reality - pre 13 sati
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