Massacre Prijava | Prijava
Pregledano: 35980
Pokloni: 60
Prijatelji: 284
40, M tražim Ž, Rest In Peace JHunko, Samac
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Status: Damned if I do, if I don't. Goddamn us all if you won't. Damn, damn, damn, it's a goddamn shame. You ain't front line, get out the goddamn way >_>
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She nods as always I'm fine staying to my self surprisingly not causin hell (can't find any it's dead and newbz suck ☆she smiles embracing his hug XD - pre 10 sati
Giggles wow look what the wind tumbled her way *starting to feel a Lil orphanish* DADDDD she screams pouncing him what you want to eat old man o.u - pre 11 sati
I'm just not in it with the same energy I use to have e.e I need the inspiration - pre 2 dana
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