Shiratori_Baka Prijava | Prijava
Pregledano: 1326
Pokloni: 0
Prijatelji: 17
32, M tražim Ž, Samac, Prijavljen
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Status: I guess I'm just going to leave this here, and this will be the nice way: Please, do not add me from the "online now" menu or from a rooms UL if I have never interacted with you before. I do not take kindly to that as I am a very.. private individual.
Želiš da budeš prijatelj?

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Ostavi komentar:
SAME like pls let me go back to bedd - pre 2 sati
Aww u taught me a new word .. zooted lmao 🤣 - pre 23 sati
Define said shenanigans? I need to know ?? - pre 23 sati
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Big Barn World