Massacre Prijava | Prijava
Pregledano: 27404
Pokloni: 57
Prijatelji: 272
40, M tražim Ž, Rest In Peace JHunko, Samac
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Status: Damn, never got my book.. eh.. 🥱 Send an entrance, I’ll answer eventually.. if it sparks interest.. .-.
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However, let me know when you can pass the body to me. It won’t be today. I’m out irl for the 4th. - pre 5 sati
Think it’s best I don’t extend that part of my life to people on here when those same people can’t even show care when I’m deeply grieving. - pre 5 sati
But you do have a refund for the book pending 🫡 However, I never received a give a damn about my sister dying. - pre 5 sati
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