WyntrFenix Prijava | Prijava
Pregledano: 10855
Pokloni: 35
Prijatelji: 89
102, M tražim Ž, Barrow, Samac, Prijavljen
Više podataka
Status: Pure Blooded Phoenix. Father to Jade Vinrouge. (Pro still in development)
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a promise. And you know I don't break a promise unless I absolutely have too - pre 5 minuta
expectially if the kid is you sweetie. I would be honored if you allowed me to share some of your daddy's time though. But the choice is your's. If you say no we shall all still be friends that tis C - pre 6 minuta
"No answer then I'll take my gift back. I'm sure the monkey will take it" jokingly threaten Jade - pre 7 minuta
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