Jade_VinRouge Prijava | Prijava
Pregledano: 83475
Pokloni: 67
Prijatelji: 367
28, Ž tražim M, U vezi, Prijavljen
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Status: She placed a sweet kiss upon her beast revealing her prince hidden 🌹
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"no I'm not dying.... Yet. I wanted to ask how you feel about me and Nana being together? This decision is completely up to you as we both agreed" - pre 29 minuta
She open the box to see a beautiful glowing necklace she smile tho she wore the one of his tear upon her neck always but she always loved her daddies gifts .. thank you 💚 - pre 32 minuta
Gifts Jade a small black box wrapped in a green lace bow "just because I love you and i have to ask you something important" - pre 38 minuta
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