Jade_VinRouge Prijava | Prijava
Pregledano: 95691
Pokloni: 72
Prijatelji: 368
28, Ž tražim M, Nebitno, Prijavljen
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Status: I'm loyal ! And no matter how many times my loyalty has been abused it's one characteristic of mine that I will never change 💚
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See I hold to much and don't speak it. But oh the stories I could tell 🤣😂 let's just say tis why I'm always quiet 🙊 - pre 5 minuta
"One thing at time love. Firstly, I gotta get this place up & running. Grand opening, see how it's doing then I'll move to that part. But soon though." - pre 8 minuta
Tout à fait! nous nous lèverons ma chère nièce - pre 2 sati
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Big Barn World